I am a lover of words.
Words bridge inner and outer worlds.
Words connect: joining dots in our consciousness, creating insight cascades, as well as tethering hearts and lessening the divides between us. We literally invite someone into our experience through speaking and sharing our inner processes – that is intimacy, or in-to-me-see.
Words can also change our experience, in direct ways such as laws, or indirectly such as mantras: words work on the levels of habitual beliefs as well as the nature of our shared reality.
I also am a firm believer in Oneness. In a world of worlds where things are ever-increasingly deemed as ‘separate’, I advocate for returning to seeing as inter-related. Just as metaphysics and indigenous wisdom have eked as a maxim: everything is interconnected.
This reinforces my spiritual view, as much as my political one. My non-dual approach to my experiential reality is confronted and concerned by the undeniable reality of ‘Othering’ as a rampant sociological phenomenon, one that is being aggravatingly leveraged in 21st century identity wars. This website is a nod to the fact that We Are One Another, whether we realise it or not.
It is also my contribution towards a unified theory of everything. We live in an era defined by a crisis of meaning. Which, in turn has unleashed multiple other intersecting crises, from ecological to housing, to democratic and identity and autonomy. ‘Sense-making’ is, therefore, an invaluable pursuit. Through sharing these thought streams, it is my way of imbuing understanding to what unfolds around us, regulating the overwhelm. For me, everything is related, relating and relative. This is means we cannot truly grasp anything, conceptual or physical, in isolation. It exists solely in interrelationship, even at a quantum level – how we perceive it depends on the very fact of it being perceived.
So, the reflections on this page are stemming from three basic principles:
rites | connect to Oneness
writings | thought streams to rehumanise
rights | connect to Others

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I am a lover of words.
Words bridge inner and outer worlds.
Words connect: joining dots in our consciousness, creating insight cascades, as well as tethering hearts and lessening the divides between us. We literally invite someone into our experience through speaking and sharing our inner processes – that is intimacy, or in-to-me-see.
Words can also change our experience, in direct ways such as laws, or indirectly such as mantras: words work on the levels of habitual beliefs as well as the nature of our shared reality.
I also am a firm believer in Oneness. In a world of worlds where things are ever-increasingly deemed as ‘separate’, I advocate for returning to seeing as inter-related. Just as metaphysics and indigenous wisdom have eked as a maxim: everything is interconnected.
This reinforces my spiritual view, as much as my political one. My non-dual approach to my experiential reality is confronted and concerned by the undeniable reality of ‘Othering’ as a rampant sociological phenomenon, one that is being aggravatingly leveraged in 21st century identity wars. This website is a nod to the fact that We Are One Another, whether we realise it or not.
It is also my contribution towards a unified theory of everything. We live in an era defined by a crisis of meaning. Which, in turn has unleashed multiple other intersecting crises, from ecological to housing, to democratic and identity and autonomy. ‘Sense-making’ is, therefore, an invaluable pursuit. Through sharing these thought streams, it is my way of imbuing understanding to what unfolds around us, regulating the overwhelm. For me, everything is related, relating and relative. This is means we cannot truly grasp anything, conceptual or physical, in isolation. It exists solely in interrelationship, even at a quantum level – how we perceive it depends on the very fact of it being perceived.
So, the reflections on this page are stemming from three basic principles:
Rites | connect to the Oneness
Writings | thought streams to rehumanise
Rights | connect to Others