Does it count as an intrusion,
If you opened the door and led the way.
Not exactly,
An attempt to keep at bay.
Can it still be deemed an attack,
If all of the guards were at rest,
Just there in namesake only
Ornamental at best.
Would it be held as an affront,
Despite the welcoming state,
Encouragement and
Discounted rate.
Will it be said,
To have been enabled,
She worries.
That I let this go on so long.
Am I at fault?
Did I pour petrol on the messy heap of BS
That rose between us?
Did I pull the chaos toward me,
Addicted to the passionate pain that sought my demise?
Perpetual division,
Engulfing rationality,
Obfuscating vision,
Consuming all sanity,
Sprite of rescission,
Point-blank refusal to budge,
All the while convinced to know what is best,
Pounding in my chest,
Come in abundance,
Each individual digression
Accounted for.
My obsession continues,
Lest I leave too soon.
Clear cut ‘goodys’ and ‘baddys’
Exist only in fables.
The turning of tables,
No.5 30/9/22