Strange Times

An eclectic & electric anthology of reflections assorted over lockdowns. Celebrating the ‘everyday author’, these zines weave poetry, prose, contemplations, photography, art and comedy.

Borne out of a dream I had, where I saw myself at a grand dining table, legs folded, open an old school broadsheet, tea stained and tattered entitled: ‘The Strange Times’. It had been published by my design ninja partner-in-creation, Myriam Riand and I – the vision was too irresistible to not materialise.

Particularly dissatisfied with mainstream media, and navigating tidal concerns as the level of disconnection in our midst for the foreseeable, we set out to make our own media source. Using social media as our soapbox, we made a callout to anyone and everyone who could hear us. We invited submissions of content. Initially it was just going to be from local contributors. My heart whirred at the prospect of getting a glimpse into the inner workings of the curly haired Dad you always saw in the vegetable aisle of Aldi, or the woman in her 20s who walked the Glen. These perfect Strangers you knew, but didn’t know. How revolutionarily banal.

However, on request we opened up our pool to further afield and ended up with features from an Afghan feminist poet in Berlin.

The broadsheet transmogrified into a zine format, and we accrued order online and stocked local shops raising funds for two great causes – Medicine San Frontières, Clare Leader Forum & Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland. 

The Stranger Times publication by One and Other

Order your copy

You can email us at with your interest and/or address, and dispatch €10 for one or €15 for both.

Physical copies available for postage or digital purchase.